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Since 2015, I have had a series of residencies at the Opifico della Rosa printmaking studio in Italy. It is a not for profit orgainiastion that supports relief, intaglio and letterpress print making also book making. It has two studios, one in the castle of Montefiore Conca,and the other in the nearby town of Morciano di Romagna. I visited also in 2017 and 2019 when I had time to do some audio recordings, while playing flute in the extraorinaryly resonant spaces inside the castle.
Alice Boots 2017 Multi block reduction woodcut
3 by 2 is Dyptich Monoprint I produced using scrap pieces of plywood, woodcut plates during my 2019 residency in the Moricano studio.
It was selected as a finalist in the Australian Monoprint Prize in 2021.
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